Resources Archive

How to Use Your Daily Look to Create Inner Confidence

Posted April 17, 2018 By Frank Strona

The way you present yourself to the world says a lot about your personality and your inner confidence. When you think you look good, you feel good too. It doesn’t always matter how others think you look, but knowing you like how you look goes a long way. Our confidence levels have a lot to do with how we feel about ourselves. So how we feel when we see ourselves is a part of our confidence both in person and in the workplace. See some of my tips

How Important is a New Hire’s First Day?

Posted April 5, 2018 By GuestSpot
How Important is a New Hire's First Day

“Half of all hourly workers leave new jobs within the first 120 days,” according to the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM). That eye-opening statistic is the reason managers and human resources professionals take a proactive approach toward onboarding and retention. If you want to promote your company’s brand, maximize revenue, maintain positive morale and […]

5 Tips for Getting Hired as a Person in Recovery

Posted April 2, 2018 By Frank Strona

As I was working remote recently, I had several people ask for insight on transitioning back into the workplace after time away to get some priorities in order. Previously in my career, I did a lot of work those in recovery and I still commit to supporting those in that process. But like any process, being in recovery has crucial milestones along the path for you to rediscover your sense of worth. One important way may be by finding employment.

What Your Smile Says About You

Posted March 20, 2018 By GuestSpot

Why smiles matter not only how you look but as a way people see you in the first few seconds of meeting you. A good smile can take you far.

If you are looking to improve your business, one of the areas you need to look at is how your communications system is laid out. For small business – we often forget to consider the process that clients reach out to us. Especially when they call your phone which for many people today usually doubles as a mobile phone. For the small businesses, you have to be prepared to act as the “call center” or consider getting one. Most large-scale operations need telephone operators for inbound and outbound calling. Call centers can be an efficient way to accomplish this need while playing into your overall philosophy. If you don’t take advantage of it, you might be missing chances to grow.

Getting that initial reading-list for 2018 started

Posted January 3, 2018 By Frank Strona

Reading-list 2018 Got my initial reading-list for the new year made last night. I usually keep two versions, one for more social and personal stuff such as the list I posted today on my personal blog today. Then I try to come up with a least 5 new books for professional goals that I […]

How to Use Anxious Feelings as Your Own Secret Weapon

Posted December 26, 2017 By GuestSpot

Most people think of an intense fear or an uncontrollable worry when they think of anxious feelings, but everyone experiences this differently

How to Take Back Control of Your Life After an Injury

Posted December 5, 2017 By Frank Strona

Tips for an “after injury” strategy The accident has happened and left you with an injury that has significantly altered your life. Sometimes you may feel immensely relieved and grateful to be alive, while sometimes you may feel that you are unable to cope and wish that you had died in the accident. Both of […]

6 Ways to Make Yourself More Marketable

Posted November 30, 2017 By Frank Strona

Making yourself marketable has never been more critical than in today’s saturated and cutthroat market. Here is 6 Ways to make it happen

Knowing how to overcome feelings of fear that arise from trauma can be both empowering and uplifting towards helping you move on.