
Welcome to active personal engagement.
The style of mentorship, consulting, and coaching I do introduces the concept that learning is a life-long process. In much the same way, that as humans we learn in different ways, understanding the importance in how we engage the learning process and finding which style is sustainable is a key element of the work I do.
For most of us, that means accepting that we can operate from more than one perspective in a world that focuses on binary thinking. We just need to be ready to push through the “linear thinking trap” and meet life as a more abstract or nonlinear path and look at success as yet one new creative path to journey on.
That is why, MentorSF offers an approach that supports learning from an individual perspective, a professional one, and a social one. I like to think that true personal and professional success is about “living life from both sides of your brain“.
Working with me is based on a consultation approach that will help you stretch, exercise, and condition the “learning brain”. With the objective being growth, expansion, and development of a useful and rich experience. I tend to see change as an engagement and active experience. One that encourages you to own this experience as an active partner. Make that first move and reach out to me and let us find out the best fit for you. Check out my membership-free Engage! blog to read up on what interesting tips, tools, and tidbits I find worth sharing or even suggest a topic or guest post one.
— Frank
Who is MentorSF for?
- It is for anyone with the desire to learn, grow, explore, and ultimately thrive.
- For those of you with a need to engage more personally, socially, or professionally.
- Someone thinking about planning for life changes,
- Those that find themselves on unstable footing need extra support navigating toward success or through challenging times.
Explore the various options for learning here or visit the drop-down menu at the top of your browser under “Services”
What’s New in 2023?
As we have left the winter behind and eagerly look to the summer
Our work at MentorSF will be sifting to align with the surge in people continuing to understand a new normal, returning to the workplace, organizations, and small businesses adopting diversity, inclusion, and equity practices among its staffing and leadership ranks. While on the entrepreneur side, we expect to see more people looking to strike out in the world of small business and consulting.
Stay tuned for some exciting news features this year including a new hosted podcast, new blog features, and hopefully a brand new website!
Remember – stay true to your internal campus during these changing times, even when things don’t go your way, it is an opportunity you can turn into a win. Be gentle with yourself and stay engaged!
If you don’t see a service you need or want, email me, and we can set up a time for a free consult and discuss your ideas.
Past Podcast guest spots
In the Past – 2018 I’m On TEDx!
In June, I did a TEDx talk as part of TEDxProvincetown series, sharing some of the lessons that we can take with us when we engage and follow our own path. I am humbled and honored to be sharing the stage with some incredible folks. The full playlist is now live on the TEDxPtown Youtube channel. Well worth taking a few minutes to check out all 10 speakers.
My personal TEDx Talk can be seen from my recent Engage! post or online here
Pages & Features
- I received feedback that folks wanted one page to see me in action, without having to search the Engage Blog. So the new Visual & Audio Me page will list the video and audio images with links to the various blog posts on the experience. You find the page under the “About Me” or “Trending Today” tabs above.
- The Support Project Continues with a 25% – 30% “got ya covered” discount promotion: One of my bigger projects takes service breaks when they allow staff downtown for a creative process. They have offered to cover a portion of fees for client services during these breaks by supporting reduced rates for others. Read more about that here.
- Mentor Moments – Every few weeks, I also create and share via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram account my MentorSF “Mentor Moments”. These “moments” are a visual reflections or sentiments that are meant to inspire,
provoke and engage people to action. You can find them under the Trending Today link, or search the hashtag #MentorSFCA.
- Every few days I share my custom “newspapers”; The Social Media Daily and The Engaged Mentor Daily with some of the trending industry news. Take a look and sign up or follow them by the RSS feeds listed above.
Still In The Mix
- I launched a new series of sessions that answer the internal desire and question of “How do I tell my story?” The Storytelling Technology Bootcamp is a series of 60 -90 sessions for those interested in jumping into the world of blogging and storytelling.
- I also have some openings for the Explorers program, a limited-run, goal-oriented support track designed for those in mid-transition professionally or personally and are looking for someone to facilitate a path to a specific goal over a shorter period of time.
- During the summer of 2017, I had a chance to be a guest on the Hack The Process podcast. Not only was it great fun, it is another way for you to hear some of my own stories. You can read the full post on it here or visit the podcast itself on Hack The Process
- I also finally put my official mailing list up for those of you wanting in, and my Engage! blog is now linked with both the Facebook.com/MentorSFCA to make it easier to follow for those of you with different reading habits.
- I am working on a video Podcast style Q&A series called MentorSF’s Question Of The Week. You can find samples under my MentorSF’s Trending Now feature or direct on the Questions Of The Week page. You can also find my new “Introduction” video which aired in April 2017. Want me to answer one for you? Send me an email or Tweet (@FVStrona) at me using the hashtag #MentorSFCA
As always, Thank You for visiting. Please email me at [email protected] for details or to schedule an appointment.
Got something worth sharing with others?
Why not use my hashtag #MentorSFCA on Twitter and see it show up on the Learning Nuggets page
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“Frank Strona is a trailblazer: combining innovation & real-time experience to support new ideas that inspire, engage and motivate learnings of all ages to reach a new level of personally defined success, social balance, and digital maturity.”
— Jennifer T, Corporate Manager