I am a big fan of the “list” type posts. I review them and bookmarks ones I find interesting or that might be of interest in the future. This is the latest sample out of Nonprofit Tech For Good for the full list, visit the link at the bottom;
36 Useful Apps & Online Tools for Nonprofits
The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web, email, social media, and visual content.
Social Media Tools
1. Blab :: blab.im
Connected to Twitter, Blab enables real-time video conversations from multiple locations. Nonprofits can use Blab for interviews, discussions, and live workshops and then share replays after the live event is over.
2. Buffer :: buffer.com
Buffer enables social media managers to schedule posts on social networks throughout the day and evening. It’s analytics tools will also evaluate your posts to deduce the best possible times to share your content.
3. Latergramme :: latergram.me
Latergramme enables social media managers to format and schedule Instagram posts in a desktop app and then be sent notifications to their smartphone that enable easy posting to Instagram.
4. Periscope :: iTunes/GooglePlay
Periscope is a mobile app connected to Twitter that enables nonprofits to easily broadcast live from special events or while on location.
5. RiteTag :: ritetag.com
RiteTag allows you to track in real-time the performance of your campaign hashtags. Their dashboard shows you how many people are using your hashtag on Twitter and Instagram and enables you to track trending hashtags.
To see the rest of the list visit: http://www.nptechforgood.com/2016/02/28/36-useful-apps-online-tools-for-nonprofits/