Engage! Post Archive

Did you know that Youtube has hidden tools?

Posted September 14, 2016 By Frank Strona

yup.. thats what I found out after reading 17 Hidden YouTube Hacks, Tips & Features You’ll Want to Know About on hubspot.com You can create a link that starts a YouTube video at a certain time. Ever wanted to send someone a YouTube video, but point them to a specific moment? Let’s say, for example, that you’re […]

How to Run A Twitter Chat

Posted September 13, 2016 By Frank Strona

One of the more common questions I get is about “twitter chats” and how best to run them, how easy they are and what challenges and limits does hosting one include. Recently found a great posting on it, I thought worth sharing as well as some additional links. Hootsuite shared the following : How to Run […]

Now this one is kinda interesting and has some potential to make life really confusing or much more streamlined; Twitter just turned DMs into a chat app Sliding in your DMs could get way more stalker-y. from Engadget “Twitter has been implementing some important updates to protect its users lately, but its most recent change could help foster better […]

Being back in the “trenches” of health

Posted August 31, 2016 By Frank Strona

Wrapping up a 3 day State of Michigan HIV and STD conference in Traverse City on a high note but tired. I was asked to present on integrating technology into public health and comprehensive HIV/STD prevention and linkage to care. I had forgotten how real ground level statewide conferences can out shine some of the national […]

Thinking behind promotion your digital content

Posted August 9, 2016 By Frank Strona

While catching up on reading during my vacation; I came across this post on the “State of Digital” site;  5 Top Tips for Promoting Digital Content. It’s author. Jack Telford presents 5 promotional methods that suggests ways to improve how your digital content gets expanded and reaches out further. The essential tips include strong basic methods used […]

From the fact Sheet & news release today President Obama Designates Stonewall National Monument ~ First National Monument Honoring LGBT Rights ~  “We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths –- that all of us are created equal –- is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through […]

Just rolling out today… Community, President Obama has sought to protect places that are culturally and historically significant, and that reflect the story of all Americans, including protecting about 265 million acres, more than any President in history. That is why today, President Obama has designated a new national monument at the historic site of […]

Found this wonderful visual to remind us that not getting to a goal easy or direct isn’t a failure. Instead to take a tumble can be about risking to achieve beyond.