Archive for January, 2017

Constructive Feedback vs The Snark

Posted January 30, 2017 By Frank Strona

This was shared via PR Daily’s website

Interactive feedback and how it differs from comments and worse the “web-trolls” which essentially exist to make snarky, and often not substianted posts continues to  grow. In some cases this makes advocating for “open comments” or even the interactive feature of a blog more challenging to present.  Here is one way to consider looking at “How PR and marketing pros can handle negative feedback ” Check out what 57 Twitter influencers had to say about how they handle negative feedback in the infographic below, and use it to help your efforts.

Search Results by Relevance on Twitter

Posted January 17, 2017 By Frank Strona

Twitter starts showing search results by relevance, not reverse chronological order – Twitter is updating its search results so that tweets will be ranked based on relevance instead of by timeline, bringing search in line with what users have experienced on their timeline for the past 10 months. Based on early trials, the company claims there has been more engagement in search results and tweets, with more time spent using the service. In a blog post, senior software engineer for search quality Lisa Huang explained that while search results previously had been presented in reverse chronological order, “the most recent results may not be what the searchers are looking for.” She added that users “could be searching for popular tweets to engage with or to better understand context around the search query, and the most recent tweets are not necessarily best suited for that.

How to Create a Documented Content Marketing Strategy – If you’re new to content marketing, get ready to hear the phrase: “Marketers with a documented strategy are 5x more likely to succeed.” And if you’re a content marketing veteran, you might be saying: “I’ve heard this a million times, but what does this actually mean? I know what I want to accomplish, but how will writing this down help me?” The short answer: Having a documented content strategy will help you work smarter, more efficiently, and more effectively.

Tip Share: Writing cleaner social media copy

Posted January 14, 2017 By Frank Strona

Tips for writing cleaner social media copy – Grammarly—a popular writing app—analyzed more than one billion words, and data suggest people are making more mistakes when crafting social media posts. Email and blog copy were reportedly much cleaner. Often, social media mangers are posting too quickly and not catching all of their mistakes. Data suggest writers made three times as many mistakes on social media as they did in email, and more than six times as many mistakes with blog copy.

Instagram adds new features

Posted January 12, 2017 By Frank Strona

Instagram now has stickers and ‘hands-free’ video – Instagram, which has been adding features an impressive clip, is getting a few more today. First up, you can now add stickers to your video and photo stories. Yep, just like Snapchat. Again. The sticker button shows up next to the drawing tool (it’s the smiley face one), although as the company has been wont to do, it’s adding its own twist on Snapchat’s implementation by including specific stickers for the weather, current time and location. Snapchat has filters for those sorts of variables, but filters are fixed, while stickers can be moved around and resized.

Instagram’s new ‘Saved Posts’ feature has big implications for marketers – Hours after Instagram unveiled a bookmark feature called “Saved Posts” on Wednesday, allowing users to save posts they’d like to revisit later, Audi became one of the first brands to offer up a fun hack. The auto brand posted nine different pieces of a single Audi R8 image in random order on its Instagram page, encouraging users to bookmark each piece in the correct order to solve the puzzle. Those who solved it correctly would see the completed shot of the Audi R8 in a seamless whole on the “bookmarks” tab on their own Instagram profiles. The puzzle has been solved over 3,200 times so far. [h/t Jason at NASA]

Reaching out by generation

Posted January 9, 2017 By Frank Strona

Infographic: How to reach each generation on social media – An infographic from Webpage FX makes the decision easier. It explains where Generation Z, millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers spend their time online. You should invest in the channels your audiences use.

Looking towards 2017; Tech in Gov

Posted January 3, 2017 By Frank Strona

In the news:

Tech Trade Group: 114th Congress Was Good For Tech—And the Next One Needs to Be Too – The 114th Congress delivered meaningful technology legislation despite a divided government, and the 115th Congress has a chance to capitalize on significant momentum, according to the Information Technology Industry Council. ITI, a trade group representing dozens of large tech companies, in a blog post praised the Congress for the bipartisan USA Freedom Act, cybersecurity legislation, trade secret-protecting legislation and the Every Student Succeeds Act, which promotes careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics for students.