3 Important Aspects of Developing a Strong Team

A business starts with a vision that is communicated through a mission statement. When you hire the staff, you are asking them to live up to the promise of that mission statement. It is crucial that you develop a strong team that will remain focused on the goal of success. Here are three important aspects of developing that strong team for your company.
Pick the Right Members
Everyone can look good on a resume. It is how a candidate holds up under the scrutiny of a job interview that will give you the first indication of how he or she will fit in with your team. The key word here is “team.” You might find an extremely qualified staff member, but would he or she be a good fit for the team? You have to always think of the “sum of the parts as the whole” when it comes to strong team building.
Once you’ve assembled your team, you’ll want to play to their strengths. Some might be better at presentations whereas others are great at research. Identifying those qualities will help inform how assignments should be handed out.
Keeping the lines of communication open is vital for a strong company team. You want to create an atmosphere where your staff feels confident and welcome to ask for clarity. You never want someone feeling intimidated to ask for more instructions. This is especially important for the staff that might be working from home. Just because there isn’t a physical presence in the office doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a regular flow of communication. For good team communication, you need to engage your deskless or remote employees. Emails and texts can work, but utilizing video communication links can prove to be more effective. Even when you sense some discomfort with the “video” aspect – you will find that once you build it into the norms of meeting you teams will feel more connected. You might even want to check out a few of these reads on “Do’s and Don’ts of good meetings” and “Meetings that people don’t hate”.
Learn from Successes and Failures
When the staff members have met their goals, then it is time to celebrate that success. This doesn’t necessarily mean rushing out to happy hour on a Friday. Instead, consider how that success was achieved in specific details, and honor the team members that made it happen. Conversely, you should also examine the failures. This shouldn’t be used as an excuse to lay blame but as a good opportunity to learn from mistakes. You might just discover that you’ll be more productive moving on from the failures.
The team you build is going to be a reflection of your company. When team members work together towards common goals, then success becomes the only result.