Sorting out new methods to jump start interactivity in workshops In 5 easy steps!

Phase 1 – Make the content accessible. SafariScreenSnapz007

  •  Don’t be stingy – share what you know, provide resources to inspire more creativity and s
    elf-development – then encourage them to share it back

Phase 2- Never believe that my planned learned objective is the only one. 

  • What I had planned – may not be the only lesson learned, by them or by me. Stay open and flexible to the opportunity to engaged learning in action.

Phase 3 –  Make room for “learning nuggets” to emerge and take shape. 

  • Creative thought and inspiration isn’t always pretty, smooth or even planned. Allowing room for the “aha” moment, then fertilize the process into a “nugget”.

Phase 4 –  Encourage “web-storming” those nuggets out!

  • Don’t keep it “sandboxed”. Encourage them to be Tweeted, shared via Instagram, or Facebook it and built on – But use common hashtag  i.e  #MentorSFCA to unify the theme

Phase 5 – Make it real-time visible as a group theme.

  • Encourage those “nuggets” get shared, but support the context of the workshop or moment using a “Trending Now” style dashboard such as the one here  #MentorSFCA 
  • Consider plugins or programs that allow you to track hashtags and user profiles. (I used for #MentorSFCA and  @FVStrona)