Small Workplace Changes That Can Improve Your Culture

When you are running a business you want to make sure that you are creating a space that is safe and productive for your employees. It can feel overwhelming to think about changing the culture in your workplace, but you don’t have to do it all in one go. Instead, you can break it down into small changes that come together to make your company a better place for everyone who works there.

Create an Open Office

One of the best things you can do for your company culture is to make sure that everyone feels comfortable communicating and collaborating with one another. This can be hard to do when everyone only has access to their own personal space. 

Creating an open office with flexible workspaces in addition to private spaces can help your employees to feel empowered to work together. This also gives them room to move around throughout the day and spend their time in the places that help them to feel most creative and productive while they are at work.

Add Color

If your office feels dreary and bleak, the work you get from your employees isn’t going to be the best it could be. A little color in the furniture, walls, and decor can help your workplace to feel more fun and inspiring. The way you use color can change the mood of the space and alter your productivity. 

A mural in your office can bring your employees together by creating a sense of community. Choose a community artist for the mural, and get your team involved in choosing what the mural should be about. That way you can bring your employees even closer together.

Create a Flexible Time-Off Policy

If you want your employees to do their best work and be happy in their jobs, they need to have time off. Sometimes people need time off for illness or mental health problems, or they may just need a break. And, people don’t always know in advance when they are going to need these things. By taking the time to put together a flexible time-off policy, you can empower your employees and make the workplace more comfortable. Be generous with time off, so your employees can value the time they spend at work.


When you are working to improve your company culture, you are on a project that will improve your whole business. Small changes can impact your employees in positive ways, so don’t be afraid to make them. Get your whole team involved so they can help your company to be as great as you want it to be.

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