Memories are personal, and so is each of our stories. But the true power is in the telling of those stories

I have been reflecting and reading many of the comments on the recent series from @WhenWeRiseABC , @DlanceBlack and after reading the Cleve Jones book of the same ti
tle When We Rise back in December, I had posted a version of this message earlier this past weekend on one pals recent thinking, but thought I would share more widely as well; 

See another’s thinking on When We Rise here:
For many of us, by the time President Obama came into his second term we were tired. So tired, after so many years of death, pain, fighting and loss.. we sort of took retirement. Now not everyone, I know many people who kept the fight going for funds, healthcare etc – but especially for some of us here in San Francisco some of the energy changes.. our reserves were low and we had yet to find a way to inspire them. Even volunteerism took a decline. For me, I think I needed to be reminded of those days and more importantly the people still alive from that time who kicked some major ass.
If one were to see experiences as opportunities to learn major messages, the one I took from the series really was “Remember who we were, and tell our own stories loudly, don’t expect others to get it right. For it’s not in the rightness the story that makes them live on -it’s in the telling“.
I challenge those detractors who seek to complain that it didn’t “represent”; to tell your story – social media, video, write – todays world offers a wide ranges of options to share from here on FB and the creation of pages, to, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo or personal blogs hosted on such platforms as or, etc. No one is stopping you but yourself – and not asking for help, for those less tech savvy, that isn’t an excuse.. you have those around that would help.
Now for those of you who may have gotten that inspiration and are tech savvy – I have saved these blog posts in my “favs” folder, which I thought worth sharing as it offers some more concrete tips. If you aren’t as tech savvy – ask around, I bet one of those kids running around you see everyday know how !
- AskATechTeacher posted this blog; which was a really nice way to dive in; “9 Best-in-Class Digital Storytelling Tool” and posted a really clean and easy list of critical elements, according to Center for Digital Storytelling:
- Point of View — What is the perspective of the author?
- Dramatic Question — A key question that keeps the viewer’s attention and will be answered by the end of the story.
- Emotional Content — Serious issues that come alive in a personal and powerful way and connects the audience to the story.
- Voice — personalize the story with the author’s unique writing style to help the audience understand the context.
- Soundtrack — Music or other sounds that support and embellish the story.
- Economy — Using just enough content to tell the story without overloading the viewer.
- Pacing — The rhythm of the story and how slowly or quickly it progresses.
Read the entire post here
- Originally posted via BufferApp “20 Creative Ways to Use Social Media for Storytelling“
Originally posted via “8 Steps to Great Digital Storytelling“
Originally posted via “Presentation Storytelling Tips from Steven Johnson’s TED Talk“
- 9 Best Storytelling Tools for Social Media Marketers in 2017
Note – for more hints on how to create an online blog – check out my 2-part series from last week; “How Do I Get Started With An Online Blog” Part 1 and How Do I Get Started With A Online Blog Part 2.