How to Reduce Stress at Your Job

Job stress is a common ailment, but it can easily become overwhelming. When you become too stressed, it’s not just your productivity that suffers. Your physical health and well-being can be damaged with too much stress. Try these steps to reduce your stress at work.

Work Hardest When You’re Most Productive

During your workday, there are hours where you’re not feeling the most productive. Keep track of your productivity levels for a while, and try to figure out during which hours you’re the most productive. Schedule out your tasks so that you can complete the most difficult ones during your most productive hours. Save the easy tasks for those times where your productivity is lacking. Obviously every day’s energy levels will differ, and some days will be harder than others, but this is a good general rule. This way, you can manage your to-do list and give yourself grace at the same time.

Eat a Healthier Diet

The food you put into your body can have a direct impact on your mental health. What you eat impacts how you feel. If you fill your body with nutritionally dense foods, and eat enough of them, you’ll feel good. Sugar and processed foods, on the other hand, can make your body function slow and sluggish, and can contribute to mood disorders. Your gut is also where 95% of your serotonin is produced, so focusing on your gut health can boost your mood all around. Eating fiber can prevent unpleasant symptoms of common digestive issues. Focus on eating whole, healthy foods for a balanced diet.

Take Breaks

Working for 8 straight hours every day is a great way to get burnt out. That kind of schedule isn’t sustainable for anyone. The stress of working that many hours without a break can be detrimental to your mental health. Take frequent breaks to stretch, walk around, and do something else. These breaks don’t have to be lengthy. Take a few minutes every few hours to stand up, walk around, and think about something other than work. You will be less stressed, and your productivity will increase.

Every job has certain stresses that come with it, but that doesn’t mean you should allow the stress of work to become too great. Try to discover what your stressors are at work, and how to work around them. These few tips are a great starting point.

Check out this article to learn more about the life events that can disrupt your career!