If you have started your own business, your goal overall is to have financial independence. It’s important to be able to be an independent adult, and also to be able to retire someday! You want to know how to save for your own life and to provide what your team needs in income as well. […]
Work can be a means of accomplishing big life goals (or, at least, providing the means to accomplish big life goals). However, your work life can also take a major toll on your mental and physical health! Here are a few ways you may see work negatively impacting your life, and ways to improve those […]
When you are starting a business, there will always be stresses that you have to deal with. Your best solution is to find ways to cut down on unnecessary stress so you can take the time to focus on managing the stress you have to deal with. Here are a few factors that you should […]
If you have never run a business before, you may feel overwhelmed at the prospect. But everyone who has ever run a business has had to do it for the first time at some point. It is important to make sure that you can develop confidence so you can start working towards the goals you […]
A lot of ground has been gained in the struggle to overcome the stigma associated with mental illness. While there is still plenty of progress to be made, there’s no denying that what has been achieved so far has made it so much easier to talk about mental health and what can be done to […]
Staying connected to your employees is important to your business. It helps to foster communication and productivity. To stay connected to your employees you can plan company activities, check in with them regularly, and give them a voice. Plan Company Activities Company activities help to create teams that work together to achieve common goals in […]
Owning and operating your own business is a fulfilling and rewarding way to build a career. But it can also be incredibly stressful, being your own boss and operating business is never easy. Many business owners don’t even realize how stressed they are or why they are so stressed, making it difficult to work through […]
So, you’ve rediscovered having your hair done during the pandemic, and have decided to try a new and bold style to go along with both your personality and to perhaps stave off the leftover existential dread involved with a global extinction event. Thank goodness the salons are open again and you can get the coloring and style you have been craving! But once you return home, you realize that something is missing. Your style has shifted and is more the personality of the real you, not what society has projected upon you for decades. You have realized that maybe your hair is the beginning, but what comes next? How can you reflect your true self and complete your new hairstyle look?
Your small business has huge potential in connecting with and thriving among consumers who want what you offer. However, getting your business started can feel like a major strain, especially without the right tools! Here are a few of those tools that can best help you get your small business off the ground. Affordable Website […]
For many people, working for yourself seems like a dream, but it actually comes with many challenges that can be difficult for people to overcome on their path to success. Before you move to self-employment, it is important that you understand the potential issues you might face in your new work life. With that knowledge […]