How to Stay Connected to Your Employees

Staying connected to your employees is important to your business. It helps to foster communication and productivity. To stay connected to your employees you can plan company activities, check in with them regularly, and give them a voice.

Plan Company Activities

Company activities help to create teams that work together to achieve common goals in the workplace. These will help you get to know your employees in an environment that is less rigid. This will help you see your employees as whole individuals. You get to know their personalities more which can help you to see their strengths. The same is true for your employees, who are also able to connect with you and feel more comfortable in your interactions. This helps to increase communication, motivation and collaboration among you and your employees.

Check in Regularly

An engaged leadership is important in connecting to your employees. A Gemba walk can help you better understand what employees are experiencing. A Gemba walk is a way to gather information, observe and interact with workers. This walk helps to reduce waste and help improve productivity. A Gemba walk provides a place where employees can talk with leadership on the elements of the workplace and what they feel is most important. This provides a valuable time to check-in with employees. Checking in should be regularly scheduled and should be just as important and non-negotiable as your other meetings.

Give Them a Voice

Giving your employees a voice is a great way to stay connected to them and to each other. When your employees know that you want and respect their thoughts. This will help them feel valued as an employee, and they will be more motivated to do their work. You should have a communication channel with your employees where they can voice their opinions. Giving your employees a voice will help you learn what is going well in your workplace and what can be improved. This fostered communication can also increase collaboration among employees and lead to greater productivity and foster new ideas to better the business.

To connect with your employees, you can plan company activities, check in with them regularly, and give them a voice. Connection is important with your employees because your employees are people first, workers second. Connecting with them will help them to have more open communication, be more productive, and foster more collaboration in the workplace.

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