7 Daily Investments to Help Relieve Stress

People who are successful at managing stress have a method. If you’re sweating the small stuff in daily life, it’s important to learn ways to reduce stress before it transforms into a health issue or mood disorder down the road. Here are 5 stress soothers that you can incorporate every day:
Investments 1: Walking On Sunshine
A simple walk is easy to work into your day. You don’t need fancy equipment, it’s free, and it starts the minute you walk out the front door. According to Help Guide, a brisk walk for 20 minutes daily boosts the feel-good endorphins in your body, naturally improving mood and self-esteem while reducing stress and calming the nerves. You don’t need to pound the pavement – studies show that even a short, low-intensity stroll is effective. For added stress-reduction during your walk, practice a simple meditation technique with each step. Focus your attention on each footstep while counting “one, two, one, two” and visualize the number in your mind as you step. If you notice your thoughts drifting to something else, gently bring your mind back to counting your footsteps.
Investments 2: Hit the Pause Button
If you are feeling agitated, do not go any further. Take a break and continue working later. Reacting to a situation when you are already tightly wound only makes it worse. Take time for yourself before proceeding with other tasks. When you are feeling refreshed and clear headed again, go back to the issue at hand.
Investments 3: Breathe from Your Belly
There are many meditation techniques that you can work into your daily routine. One extremely pleasurable method is diaphragmatic breathing. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Breathe deeply while concentrating only on your breath and feel your belly expand. The hand on your chest will not move if done correctly. doTERRA recommends using frankincense oil to enhance your meditation routine. This type of breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system.
Investments 4: Write a Journal or Blog
Banish any lingering thoughts from your mind by writing them down. It can be as simple as taking a page each day and writing down three positive things you are grateful for. Or, channel your creative voice into a blog with pictures to tell the world your story. Our Storytelling Technology Bootcamp focuses specifically on the benefits of this practice and how the storytelling has become a movement. Putting down your thoughts and emotions gets it out of your system and often helps you find a solution. Sharing your ideas with others through a blog gives others new perspective as well.
Investments 5: Have a Good Night’s Sleep
Choose a predictable and calming sleep routine that you look forward to. Meditate, take a soothing bath, read, sip chamomile tea, or listen to soft music. Whatever it is, allow yourself the time to enjoy and move towards sleep. Adding to the quality of your sleep will add to your productivity during the day.
Investments 6: Make Time for Relationships
Cultural postmodernism has wreaked havoc on our ability and desire to participate in romance, but emotional intimacy remains a central pillar of the human experience, nonetheless. Research shows that pursuing and prioritizing relationships reduces stress, lengthens lifespan, increases happiness, and may even reduce the risk factors of addiction. A vigorous sex life has also been shown to reduce stress and improve emotional intimacy.
Investments 7: Invest in Yourself
One of the most common stressors occurs when we are spread between too many competing priorities. When we feel pulled in different directions, one of the first things to get cut from the routine is our self-care and personal improvement. It takes a lot of discipline, but try to carve out some time to invest in your own growth. Take a class, listen to a podcast, read a book. Sharpen yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. More than anything else, this type of investment will trickle down into other areas of your life – increasing performance at work, strengthening your relationships, and producing emotional resilience necessary to tackle life’s many challenges and trials.
Stress is a part of daily life, but the good news is that you are in control. You should strive for an optimal level of stress – enough to coax you into growth behaviors, but not so much that it becomes crippling. In determining what an optimal and practical level of stress is, get a mentor who can help coach you through it. By incorporating these seven useful investments in yourself, you can reduce stress and experience new freedom and vitality. Have more to share? let us know! or tweet them and use the hashtag #MentorSFCA