Archive for September, 2021

How to Make Your Career Transition as Smooth as Possible

Posted September 27, 2021 By GuestSpot

Changing careers is no one’s idea of a good time, but it often does happen in most people’s lives at least once. That transition can be a rough one, but if you handle it correctly you can have smooth sailing into your new career. It all comes down to managing your stress and exterior conditions so that you can move into your new role with the energy and excitement you deserve.

Network with New People

Every career move is made easier when you have a huge network of people supporting you and helping you along your way. That’s why networking should always be a part of your career goals and your focus. As you start thinking about making a transition to a new career it is important to start networking within the new industry so you can make connections and have supporters to help you when you finally do make the leap. Networking may also be your key to making the transition at all, since having new access to an industry can put you in the right place to receive a great offer.

Get Another Degree

In many cases, education will be your stepping stone into your new career. So, getting another degree can help you to advance and find your way into the new field with minimal stress. Getting a degree while working in your current career is challenging, but it can definitely be done and there are options now to make it easier. For example, taking classes online gives you more flexibility if you have responsibilities at home. That can be the easiest way to make sure that you are managing your career, your home life, and your education as effectively as possible.

Understand Why You’re Making a Change 

In many cases understanding, your motivations for a career change can help make it much easier to accomplish. But some people can struggle to figure out their own motivations. If that’s the case for you, it’s important to look inward and figure out why you want a change. Once you know the whys behind your change it will be easier for you to navigate the challenges that come your way.

Changing careers is a big step, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. But it is also the right thing to do in some situations. If you think it is time to make a major career transition, draft a plan and take the steps you need to get your transition underway and start living your new career dreams!

Read this next: How to Give Yourself More Financial Stability in Your Career

Having constant problems at your business can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you don’t know how to solve them. Sometimes it can seem like it would be easier to let the problems continue rather than to figure out a solution to your problem. However, there are a couple of different ways that you can find good solutions to your issues in a time-effective way. 

Bring in Outside Consultants

One good way to develop solutions to your problems is to bring in outside consultants or specialists. If you can find people that have been in similar situations, they’ll be able to help you to know how to solve them in a way that works for your company. In order to truly help your business, the consultants should not only understand your problems but also what makes your company unique. This will allow them to figure out solutions that will maintain the integrity of your business and its goals.

Listen to Your Employees

Another important step in finding solutions to your work problems is listening to your employees. Frontline employees understand better than anyone the root causes of workplace issues. Make sure that you can maintain trusting, open relationships with your employees so that when problems do arise, they’ll trust you enough to tell you about them. If your employees are afraid that you’ll get angry and respond badly to a problematic situation, they’ll likely try to hide any problems that are occurring. However, if they trust you and feel that they can communicate with you easily, you’ll be able to find out about work problems as soon as they are occurring. 

Brainstorm Solutions

If you are able to have a good, open relationship with your employees and they trust you with work problems, you should also trust them to come up with viable solutions for said problems. One great way to find solutions to your work problems is to have a brainstorming session with your employees. Sit down and identify the issues at hand, analyze any interests, motivations, or factors that could be causing the issues, and then brainstorm possible solutions. With the joint brainpower of your employees, you’ll be more likely to find good solutions to your problems. 

Remember, even though work problems can be frustrating and exhausting, it is worth it to take the time to find ways to resolve them. Trust in your team and any outside help that can help you to better understand the issues that are occurring, and you’ll be better equipped to come up with solutions. Before giving up on the issue, try each of these steps and you’ll be sure to find success.

Read this next: How to Share Your Industry Knowledge With Others

How Every Business Can Reduce Their Operating Costs

Posted September 20, 2021 By GuestSpot

Running a business can be expensive, and every one of them deals with operating costs. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept a high level of operating costs at face value. When you take the time to carefully consider your budget and use it as efficiently as possible, you can reduce your operating costs and run your business in a way that is much more fiscally sound than you imagined.


Reduce Supply Expenses

One of the main elements of a business’s budget that tends to cost them money is the supplies they use for day-to-day operations. Many businesses accept supply costs as they are and don’t put in the work to secure better deals and find ways to decrease these costs. This doesn’t have to be the case. As Shopify points out, shopping around for your supplies is a good way to decrease your expenses and ensure you are getting the best possible deal. In addition, you should negotiate on prices and find ways to bundle supplies so you can decrease your overall spending. These kinds of habits will help you to keep your business in better financial shape.


Adopt Renewable Energy

Many business owners think about renewable energy as something to do way down the line in the future. However, investing in renewable energy can help you to decrease your operating costs right now. According to Rabe Hardware, solar energy can protect your business from rising electricity costs, and green HVAC systems last much longer than average ones. When you find renewable energy sources you become less dependent on the grid and you can help your costs to better fit with your budget.

Increase Your Efficiency 

It’s also important to help your business to run as efficiently as possible in order to keep costs low. This means to not spend too much time on particular tasks, and for your business to invest in the efficiency of a POS system to keep data easily stored. It also means using an office space that doesn’t waste energy. Upgrading things like windows and doors can go a long way towards making your space more energy efficient. You also want to have your HVAC and electrical systems inspected so that you can find any issues and inefficiencies there.


You can’t avoid having operating costs in your business, but you can make changes to lower them. Look at your current costs and evaluate the areas in which you may be overspending. Through these methods, you can make smart decisions that will improve your business and spend your added budget in areas that will help it grow.


Trying to establish your brand in the digital world? Take my Social Media Landscape Assessment to get help creating a forward-looking action plan.

How to Cut Costs Without Cutting People

Posted September 18, 2021 By GuestSpot

Managing your budget when you are cutting costs is one of the most difficult parts of running any business. It can be especially difficult to manage when you are trying to avoid hurting the people who make your company great. When you are able to manage budget cuts without reducing your employees you will create a reputation as a great workplace and a sought-after employer. 

Reduce Equipment Costs 

Paying for equipment is one of the most expensive elements of running a business. And, while you can’t get rid of your equipment costs all together you can do a few things to decrease those costs during a budget cut. It’s important to consider both physical equipment and software when you think about decreasing costs. If you have any unnecessary subscription-based software, paying for it may greatly improve your budget to cancel the subscription. Also working to keep your equipment in good working order and avoiding replacing equipment unnecessarily can help you to keep your budget in check. 

Increase Efficiency 

The more efficiently your business runs the more profitable it will become. So, if you can find ways to make your processes run more efficiently you can cut your budget and keep your great employees. Increasing efficiency can be done in a variety of ways, for example, PDCA makes processes more efficient in the workplace. You can also look for areas in your processes where waste is being produced. Getting rid of that waste is a great way to increase efficiency and make your business more productive as a whole. 

Work on Projects In-House 

Sometimes outsourcing is the right call when you’re running a business, but it isn’t always the best choice. If you have many outsourced projects going it may be a good idea to bring them in house so you can decrease your costs and use your employees more efficiently. Outsourcing projects is only worthwhile if they require expertise that your company can’t offer, and it is less work than warrants adding a full-time employee. Moving projects in house can save you a lot of money over time.

When you are on top of your budget you can handle making small cuts without having to let go of any of your employees. Holding on to the employees you have is a positive action for your business over time. Make smart cuts to your budget so you can keep your business in the best possible standing.

Read this next: Major Startup Costs You Need to Consider When Starting a Business

After crafting a problem statement, identifying your target market, and in general setting out your plans for manufacturing and distribution, your business plan has the makings to become reality. Unfortunately, the chances statistically of it flourishing and being a successful plan long term are very low. You can improve your business’s chances by executing tasks like these!

Find a Business Coach

No matter where you are in your business development, plans can stall without proper knowledge and competency. If you find yourself worried about crucial decisions or areas you lack expertise in, Fundera recommends getting a business coach who can help you in any stage of your business execution. They know how to analyze your business plan, looking for blind spots, assumptions, and under-developed plans. They can also help with the start-up stage and improve operations when you’ve already begun establishing yourself. Whether its current stage is conceptual or actual, your business will have a much better chance of moving forward with a business coach.

Take Into Account Your Assets

Another best practice that will set your business ahead is by taking into account all your assets instead of simply starting from scratch in every aspect. What equipment, inventory, funding, expertise, or investments do you currently have at your disposal? There are often assets people don’t even consider—according to Franchise Gator, through a Rollover for Business Startups (ROBS), you can use your 401(k) to finance a business. If you have a lot of fans or potential customers on your side, crowdfunding is another option. Really, the takeaway should be that there are always more options than you think, and choosing the best one will really improve success.

Include Scalability

The last way to up a business’s chances is to give it a chance! A startup’s immediate popularity can be very encouraging when it happens, but that is not a guarantee of long-term success. Your business’s likelihood of becoming established with loyal customers and a recognizable brand will increase if you make sure your business plan gives room for growth. To improve your odds, ZenBusiness recommends you hire strategically, build partnerships, invest in technology and marketing, and outsource wherever you can!

Statistically, 20% of businesses fail in the first two years they are open—and the percentage only increases over the next ten years. Your business plan will be much more successful, however, if you plan strategically for success. To improve your chances, be thorough in your planning, willing to take advice from professionals, and ready for anything!


Read next: Major Startup Costs You Need to Consider When Starting a Business

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Posted September 9, 2021 By Frank Strona
I was just a guest on The HPP Podcast, the podcast for The Health Promotion and Practice Journal from Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
Title: Ep. 33 Exploring A Career in Health Promotion: What HPP Editorial Board Members are Up To with Frank Strona
Description: In this episode, The HPP Podcast host, Arden Castle is in conversation with Frank Strona, Editorial Board member for The Health Promotion Practice Journal. Frank talks about his 35+ years of experience in the sexual health field and his transition to the national response for COVID. He reminds us that it is never too late to go back to school and to challenge ourselves with new opportunities. He ends the episode by reflecting on HPP’s supplemental issues, the diversity of the HPP Editorial Board, and the excitement that this work bring

How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Posted September 7, 2021 By Frank Strona

There are many situations that will require public speaking. For many people, these situations can be intimidating and stressful, not to mention disastrous when a job or opportunity is on the line. If public speaking is one of your weaknesses, never fear! Learning how to overcome your fear and even feeling confident speaking to a large group is very possible for anyone.


Work With a Coach

One of the best ways to work through something hard is to have someone help you. A public speaking coach is just the person you need. With a specialized mentor to guide you, not only will you learn how to work through your fear of public speaking, you will gain tools and methods you can use to improve your overall presentation. Work with a public speaking coach no matter your level, and don’t think you have to fail on your own enough times to deserve one. This kind of coach can help you prepare to give a quality speech and generally improve your confidence.

The feedback I received from folks I coached during the Tedx Provincetown’s 2019 show, illustrated how important it was to have someone work alongside you when developing your pitch and your confidence. As a presenter myself in 2018, I personally found a huge benefit to working with a coach

Identify Your Weaknesses

In order to overcome your fear of public speaking, you should first identify what your fears and weaknesses are. When you understand your personal weaknesses, you can find more specific ways to work through them. For example, if you struggle with pronunciation, then you might want to seek help so this is no longer an obstacle for you. Speech therapy can correct pronunciation issues which commonly afflict people of all ages. If you are worried about your connection to the audience and their engagement with your speech/presentation, then you can find some techniques to help you learn how to engage more with your audience.


Focus on the Material

To help you feel more confident while giving a speech, you should also focus more on the material you are preparing. Often people’s true insecurities stem from a lack of knowledge on the subject they’re explaining, so knowing your material really well will ease your nerves. As you start off, have a clear plan and structure for your speech. It can be extremely helpful if you take plenty of time to practice. This will allow you to be comfortable with your content and it can help you to stay on track while giving the speech. Additionally, you can give yourself cues, such as notes on notecards, that you can reference while practicing your speech. Being confident in your material can help you overcome the fear of public speaking. In the end – know what 3-5 points you want your audience to leave with and bring them home at the end 

It’s perfectly natural to be intimidated by public speaking. Many people feel vulnerable when all eyes are on them, much less when all ears are too. There are many methods to help you overcome the fear, however, so be intentional and don’t give up!


Ready to take control of your professional or personal future? Check out MentorSF’s Explorer Program.

How to Give Yourself More Financial Stability in Your Career

Posted September 2, 2021 By Frank Strona

Being financially stable is something many people desperately want. They worry about losing their money and getting stranded in their situation. If that applies to you, check out some of the things you can do to keep yourself financially secure below.

Learn New Skills

If you are constantly learning something new at your job, you’re going to be valued and harder to let go. You’re essentially trying to become a jack of all trades. Why would your company take the time and expense to hire someone new when you can do the same work? Just make sure you’re compensated for what you learn while still keeping up with other work.

Additionally, learning new skills can help you find work elsewhere. If everyone has a similar resume to you, then one of the best things you can do is learn a skill to help you stand out. You could also try a new field of work if you wish.

Remember – even if you hated being in school – as an adult, learning becomes a personal desire and not one “put upon you”. So don’t be afraid to try a course our side your comfort zone. Many adults who I find in my classrooms, discover themselves falling in love with learning and all sorts of inspirations.

Save More For Emergencies

Having money for financial emergencies can help you to feel secure. A good rule of thumb is to set aside enough money that is worth three months of expenses. You’ll also need to consider variable expenses, like birthday presents, car registration fees, and taxes. Your variable expenses should be saved in addition to your three months of expenses. You can calculate your expenses using an emergency fund savings calculator. 

Once you know how much you need to save, figure out how long it will take you to save up to the amount. Then get saving!

If you get injured while working, your work can provide workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation helps cover some expenses while recovering an injury sustained at work. This will allow you to stay afloat financially if you are unable to go into work. 

Prepare for Retirement 

If you don’t want to stress about retirement, start saving now rather than later. You can start small. Setting aside as little as $50 a month will help you be prepared for when your career is at its end. 

Perhaps open up a Roth or traditional Individual Retirement Account. A traditional IRA is an account you can put or invest your money into. You aren’t allowed to take out that cash until you retire (or for other special circumstances). When you are ready to take out that cash, you’ll have to pay taxes on it. However, with a Roth IRA, you’ve already paid taxes on the cash. So when you take your money out of the account, the money is yours to use.

You could also consider investing in mutual funds, index funds, bonds, bitcoin, real estate, and more. There’s always risk when you invest in anything. Be sure to do your research and consult with your financial advisor before starting a new investment.

If you feel overwhelmed about being financially stable, take baby steps. Consider what you can feasibly do right now. Readjust your savings plans and what skills you want to learn as you go.

Read this next: How to Share Your Industry Knowledge With Others