The 2018 MentorSF Spring Guest Blogger Series kicks off this week with #Storytelling

Spring Guest Blogger Series
Excited to kick off my Spring Guest Series tomorrow with an interview from Louis Karim and his media storytelling efforts on “Where I Belong Now”. Last month I put an open invite out letting folks know that I would be hosting “guest” posts that spanned a wide range of topics. And Louis was one of the first to say “I’m In”. I kept the framework flexible handset parameters for the posts to include narrative content, interview style, poetry, audio and media along with the invite to cross-link to any projects the folks were currently involved in.
Someone asked why was I being so willing to share my space with others. For me it was simple – storytelling isn’t something any one person can own. The “stories” may be unique to the person – but they share a more widely held human experience worth sharing. So why not open up my blog to share and cross-pollinate some thinking. Collaboration is the best way to experience new ideas, insight and sometimes even challenge your own thinking. In the end, it’s all about what our government leadership is lacking. The understanding that “diversity and strong opinions can still play nice together” and achieve some incredible outcomes when both sides take part.
Here was the original post:
I’m putting the word out that I am inviting people interested in writing a guest post on my Engage blog. The content can be fluid and may, of course, link back to any projects of yours. I am especially looking for the following topics/themes;
– Workforce Development
– Diversity & Inclusion content
– Balancing life & work
– Social Media and Technology rips and tools
– Stories of how to thrive during scarcity
– Senior Transitions
– Storytelling
– Have an urge to teach or how to article?
Other ideas? Go ahead and pitch me …
If you are interested leave a comment below and how best to reach you or message me directly. The blogs can run 300-700 words.
If you missed the announcement, check out my MentorSFCA Facebook page or email me at [email protected] for details.
Stay tuned to read and see more on tomorrow’s Engage Post!