When we lookback we can see the future

Many of us agree that diversity is important in the workplace.
However, in the last few years, we have seen a stronger influence to refocus efforts race, ethnicity and gender. I agree we still have huge gaps in these areas increasing inclusive workplace. We must also not forget to include LGBT as part of this plan. While some LGBTQ folks may also identify as communities impacted by lack of inclusion and equity, some aren’t and are being left out of the training equations. Both as allies and participants.
This came across my desk on Sunday as part of the #Pride50 celebrations in New York and SanFrancisco’s own Pride parade.
As we wrap up #Pride month some may find this ABC post “LOOKBACK: What gay life was like in San Francisco in 1976” interesting; uncomfortable and yes even nostalgic.
It captured some aspects of the time dead on. Some insight is dated due to language and access, but it does a good job of illustrating a moment in time and how gay men were seen. Last week I did my own “lookback” and share about my experience with telling the “mean girls” story and life as a non-traditional looking young gay man is my post “Who would have guessed I was a “prequel” which tied in with some of the basis for last summers TEDx Talk.
What is more interesting to me, is how all these years later, with all the success and growth, how some things haven’t changed….