Jobs That Let You Pursue Life as a Digital Nomad

Most people dream of traveling the world. The ability to do so while making a sustainable income, however, has only recently become reachable for the average person. If you’re looking into the digital nomad lifestyle, it’s a good idea to explore all the options for jobs that will allow for it. Here are the top three careers that facilitate this remote, location-independent living!


Now that everything is accessible via the internet, plenty of writers never need anything more than their laptop and wi-fi connection to work. This is why a writing job is so perfect for digital nomads—you can work in the nearest library or coffee shop or even a traveling van, and then go off on your adventure for the rest of the day! According to Become a Writer Today, there are lots of websites to find the kinds of writing jobs that work for digital nomads including freelance writing, social media content writing, editing, SEO blogging, and many more. Make sure to find one that allows you to set your own hours so you can schedule around traveling and any time you’ll be too remote to have wi-fi, and you’ll be set to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Travel Agent

If all you want is just to travel the world, consider making a career of it. Dream Vacations points out that being a travel agent lets you work from anywhere as long as you can keep yourself accountable, and gives you a lot of credibility if you travel a lot yourself. By being a travel agent, your digital nomad adventures will build you a unique portfolio of travel destinations to talk about on your website and talking with customers. You can also write travel articles for other clients, start up a YouTube channel documenting travel options more visually, or show off your credibility via photography on social media. Regardless—you won’t need to sit in a cubicle to do any of it.

E-commerce Business

Entrepreneurs do very well in the digital nomad lifestyle, because so much of their work is dependent on them. In the e-commerce business, there are lots of cases where location makes little difference. For people who make handmade items, there is some difficulty, but otherwise you can pay for the manufacturing of a product regardless of your location. If you discover a niche and, as Vision Systems Design recommends, make your product unique, this line of revenue can more than pay for the traveling you do.

You may just be starting to look into the digital nomad lifestyle, or you could be looking for avenues to keep funding it. Regardless, the possibilities are endless as the world grows more digital. Look online for jobs you could succeed in—and make sure they’re remote!

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