A few “good reads” From my Monday list

A recap listing of what I read on Monday
LinkedIn has been the social network geared to professionals for years—but it’s growing in popularity due to its people-centric approach.
’Tis The Season: 11 Email Best Practices For Holiday Campaigns Because email lists and the infrastructure to process digital campaigns are the backbones of successful digital holiday campaigns, think of your No. 1 priority as checking email lists, and checking them twice. Here are some tips for things you can start doing today to help assure success this holiday season. [NOTE: I am posting about this later in the week]
- 3 simple ways to stop a Twitter catastrophe In today’s world, customer service starts on Twitter. Instead of waiting on hold for 30 minutes, fighting with an automatic answering service and praying to speak to an actual person, millennials are turning to social media to air their grievances. It’s more efficient, but your brand is vulnerable. When you receive negative customer complaints on Twitter, your organization is pushed into the spotlight. How you respond can make all the difference.
- Facebook Live adds its own screen-sharing feature When you want to share your screen to Facebook Live, you hit the button on the Live interface that says “Share Screen,” and you’ll be prompted to allow the extension to be installed to your browser. It worked with Chrome, but the option wasn’t available in Firefox. [Note: This makes me wonder how this will impact bandwidth in the workplace]
- Why LinkedIn is a hot spot for communicators [See the Infographic on the right] LinkedIn has been the social network geared to professionals for years—but it’s growing in popularity due to its people-centric approach. A growing focus on personal branding, networking online and content sharing are just a few reasons that more users than ever (roughly 500 million) are using it. [Note: I am still not convinced about LinkedIn; I remain on the fence as to its usefulness and authenticity.. that is not to say I am not on it either. I just am not sure how much real networking ROI it adds to me professionally]
- KFC Quietly Followed 11 Herbs and Spices on Twitter, Then Waited to See If Anyone Would Notice “We planted this on Twitter over a month ago,” said Freddie Powell, creative director at Wieden+Kennedy. “Frankly, we weren’t sure if anybody was going to find it. Sometimes you just have to put stuff out into the universe and cross your fingers that the internet will work its magic.” [Note: This was clever, I have to say — even I noticed this getting air-time and watching it happen]
- An addict’s tale: My week without social media By Monday I’d deleted Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn applications off my phone and logged out of all accounts on my laptop: it had begun. Hi, my name is Inés and I’m a social media addict. But this week, I decided to go through digital detox by turning off all of my major distractions. [Note: I do this periodically and even used to assign a “weekend” version to students having them write by hand no less, an essay in class following the weekend]