Everyone makes the journey to success that works for them. Here is my version. What will yours be?
Everyone makes the journey to success that works for them. Here is one version of mine. What will yours be?
Earlier last week, an interview I sat for, from the Hack the Process (HTP) podcast program went live on Soundcloud and iTunes .
Balancing Activism, Privilege, and Social Media with Frank Strona on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 43

While it is always with some nervousness I share some of my thoughts and history around the opportunities and directions I took towards becoming who I am today. HTP host M. David Green couldn’t have made it much easier and more comfortable. One of the parts I liked best was that he also takes the extra time to add various links mentioned during the interview and lists them below the podcast itself the HTP podcast website Allowing folks to read more about the mentioned resources or people.
When Episode 43 launched the other morning, I took some time to listen to it (or rather me) share and answer some of his questions. My first thought was – “Really?? – 45 mins of me! thats a lot of me“. But as I listened, what I heard was a series of vignettes and stories that illustrated a journey that had both intertwined and intersections from work, love, family, pain, identity, perseverance, and survival. Sometimes I was on linear path towards a goal and other times I was working concurrently in parallel. I hope to be take some time over the next month to edit the sound file into smaller more digestible sound bites and create some more personally narrative posts to share some of my more individual life lessons.
But in the mean time – please feel free to listen and/or share my story with your lists, students, friends. I intend to leave the comment box open on this post for people can add comments here if you choose not to leave them on the podcast site.
Note: If you choose to share the link by Twitter or on Linkedin.com, include my profile @FVStrona. If you want to share on your own blogs – link back to here as well!
About Hack The Process and it’s host M. David Green: He is a writer and agile business coach, and the founder of Agile That Works, a consultancy that helps people in engineering organizations collaborate more effectively to make constant improvement a daily practice.If you have ideas or a pitch to be a guest on the podcast, they have a page just for that!