The Unicorn himself, Strother Gaines On Strength, Authenticity and Connection

My DC Pal, Strother Gaines is the guest on the podcast this week and does a great job sharing and talking about his coaching work through but really spent some time with podcast host Lisa Cummings, StrengthsFinder Speaker/Trainer at Lead ThroughStrengths on the insights and the pitfalls that happen when we stay stuck and forget how to be more than the “character” we play in life. I so share his feelings that after so much effort in the academic or real world efforts towards a carrer – it can become a struggle to then find that it, as you achieve, it may not be what you hold as the reason to wake up each day.
 Team Unicorn
“it’s a lot easier to just be a horse, blend in and call it a day but a Unicorn can’t do that.
It’s impossible to hide how awesome it is because it’s got a giant horn on it’s head.
Everyone can see it. Everybody knows. There’s nowhere to hide and a Unicorn doesn’t want to.” 
— Strother Gaines,
I really resonated on his thoughts about the importance that we have to taking responsibility towards being “our best self”.  Something I have shared on before, when I frame the need for our “being the best we can be, for ourselves first”.  I know it is not an easy process. The economic and emotional impact of how others see a change, all play a crucial deciding role in that moment where we get the chance to “turn & pivot”. I encourage you to take some time and visit and listen to the podcast in its entirerty.

I also found some really great resources, you may want to check out both on Strother’s site: as well as on Lisa’s webite: 

Check out Strother’s get-to-know-him video and the full TEDx talk on Storytelling as well.

Strother Gaines Podcast on

This Episode’s Focus on Strengths, Authenticity and Connection with Unicorn Strother Gaines

This week Lisa chats with Strother Gaines, where they talk about using your strengths to maximize the authentic “you” at work.  Strother works with a lot of clients who feel trapped in other people’s expectations. This interview will help you look at your innate talents and focus on who you are at your natural best. By doing that, you’ll make stronger connections in your career because you’re not working so hard at showing up like you think you’re supposed to at the office.














