Scholarly Heroism: A Transdisciplinary Perspective from Peter le Breton

For all you thinkers and scholars on my list;
My friend, former classmate and colleague Peter le Breton recently published a very timely read; Scholarly Heroism: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on David Bohm’s Transformative Scholarship and Intellectual Exile.
His take on “Heroic Scholars” seems to be a timely message these days as we begin to see more unraveling of the professional academic profession.
Peter takes a position that the best scholars—individuals who achieve the most important advances or breakthroughs in knowledge and understanding—are often heroic.Further expanding that the heroic scholar is the scientist or nonscientist whose commitment to the pursuit of truth is so strong, and whose achievements are so important, that he or she is willing to navigate professional difficulties, even give up income, security, and status, to stay true to themselves and their calling.
About the Author
Peter le Breton, PhD, is an educator with vast experience facilitating learning in different contexts. He has taught in schools and universities, and in adult education, community education, and corporate environments. He is a transdisciplinary scholar–practitioner committed to the pursuit of quality and to transformative change, as indicated by his master’s thesis on science and values, and his doctoral dissertation on masterly learning. His intellectual inspirators include Gregory Bateson, David Bohm, and Parker Palmer. His research and teaching interests include creativity, group dialogue, and appreciative inquiry. He currently teaches and designs curricula at Murdoch University’s Centre for University Teaching and Learning. Student surveys of teaching effectiveness place him in the top 10% of teachers across the University wherein he has been nominated for a Vice Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Enhancing Learning. His keynote address, alongside renowned heroism scholar Dr. Scott Allison, at the 2016 international cross-disciplinary conference, The Rise and Future of Heroism Science, had a profound intellectual and personal impact on many participants.