5 Creative Ways to Solve a Problem

Problems !?!?!?
Solving problems is a part of life, whether you are a problem solver at work or with your entire household. Implementing creative methods to solve problems helps make tasks less daunting while allowing you to view your goals as much more achievable.
Take a Break from Work
Hectic, stressful, and long work days have become commonplace in many industries today. While it is optimal to remain productive at all times, it is not feasible for most, even if you love and have a passion for your career. Take a break from work to unwind and relax your mind. Get some exercise by visiting the gym or taking a walk around your neighborhood. Spend ten minutes each day meditating to clear your mind without constantly feeling distracted or busy. Meet up with friends to socialize while disconnecting from work to feel more refreshed once you are back to the task of solving problems again.
Keep an Idea Journal
Keeping an idea journal is a great way to monitor and track your thoughts, ideas, and goals without losing or forgetting them. Idea journals come in handy during business meetings, conferences, and even when brainstorming on your own time. Use idea journals to doodle, create lists, or even share personal thoughts and opinions about relevant issues in your life. With an idea journal, you have the luxury of instantly looking back on dates to recall thoughts and memories that are helpful and useful for what’s at hand.
Read Relevant Business Books
Read relevant business books by authors who specialize in inspiration, motivation, and running successful companies. Seek out mentors in your industry or in the field you want to be a problem solver in. Spend time reading to disconnect from your hectic schedule while learning more methods and techniques that are suitable for you when approaching problems in your life.
Watch Motivational Videos
Getting inspired is one of the best ways to boost your creative juices while remaining focused and ready to tackle problems. Use communities such as Ted, YouTube, and Vimeo to seek out motivational videos that keep you on the right track for hitting your goals.
Host a Brainstorming Session
Host a brainstorming session with friends, co-workers, or employees regularly to discuss problems that require attention. Jot down ideas, thoughts, and opinions to learn more about solutions that are on the table.
These same techniques work for any creative process: art, writing, music, etc. For all those times when problems or creative roadblocks seem to stress you out, it’s best to put on something comfy and stylish and take a timeout. When you need to get creative with your problem-solving techniques, use the suggestions above to avoid feeling burnt out or unable to continue with any goals and plans you have in mind.
If you have a desire to grow personally or professionally, have a need for training, facilitation or other consultations, curious about technology and social media, have a “gut” feeling that you are out of step with yourself and others. You are in the right place.
Find The “Right” Partner
Lots of folks exist that can be available to help you solve problems. Some of the best ways to get clarity and help you strategize an action or see a solution is the use of mentors and coaches. Be on the lookout for next week, when the Engage Guest Spot post, that builds on my previous post how to be the best we are meant to be with share some insight from Kristie Santana, founder of the National Coach Academy (NCA) whose book “Walks of Like” book I purchased some time back.