Myers-Briggs Personality Type Leadership Traits

What is Myers-Briggs and why do I care?

From time to time, you may read a profile on someone or hear an interview candidate mention they are an “ISTJ” type on the Myers-Brigg scale. Well not everyone is up on the “types” that are associated with those that take this type of personality test.  The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test takes Carl Jung’s psychological theory of 16 personality types and makes them applicable to real people. The goal of this test, then, is to make people aware of their innate strengths and weaknesses so they can live to their fullest potential. If you’re the type of person who aspires to a position of leadership, your Myers & Briggs personality type can help determine which type of leadership role you’re best suited for. If you do not know your Myers-Briggs personality type, find out at

The Myers-Briggs 16 types of outcomes you may hear someone refer to themselves as:


People with this personality type are very methodical and thorough. When in a leadership role, they become very detail-oriented. They offer clear and concise directions for their followers.


People with this personality type lead through thoughtfulness and commitment. Their leadership style allows them to produce high-quality work while still meeting deadlines.


People with this personality type can often be found leading humanitarian causes. They are incredible visionaries who lead with passion. All team members must share the same passion for the cause.


People with this personality type are very determined and strategic. They are both calm and focused which makes them a mastermind at problem-solving and noticing patterns.


People with this personality type are very tactical and effective leaders. They prefer to observe things before making a decision.


People with this personality type are usually found leading from behind the curtains. They work best with companies and causes that help the downtrodden.


People with this personality type are innovative and compassionate. They are excellent listeners and great leaders in humanitarian causes.


People with this personality type are unconventional leaders who will lead with curiosity and consider opinions with a democratic style of leadership.


People with this personality type are fun-loving and fearless leaders. Their charisma allows them to keep morale up using humor.


People with this personality type are very hands-on types of leaders who will work side-by-side with their team members to ensure the job gets done.


People with this personality type are inspirational leaders. They are creative visionaries who lead and achieve goals by brainstorming with their teams.


People with this personality type thrive on challenge and will often seek out entrepreneurship opportunities. Classes at a local business management school will help their entrepreneurship to succeed.


People with this personality type are efficient and decisive leaders. They will use extensive logical processes to discern a clear direction and commit to it.


People with this personality type are leaders who will put the people’s needs ahead of their own. They are generous, supportive, and encouraging.


People with this personality type believe in leading by example. They are visionaries and keep their focus on the bigger picture so they’re not distracted by small setbacks.


People with this personality type tend to be very assertive and ambitious leaders. They inspire confidence and admiration in their followers. They are dependable and intensely focused.


Anyone can be a leader!

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